Portugal is currently one of the most desired countries to apply for a second citizenship. Mainly because it is a safe country, with good climate, food and acceptance by the population; it was considered the best country in Europe for a foreigner to livewon several international tourism awards; Portuguese passport is the fifth most valuable in the world; Portuguese real estate is going through one of the best phases with great profitability and overall it’s easy to get the citizenship. Whether through residence and work, golden visa or the process for all Portuguese Sephardic Jews descendants.

This international demand for Portuguese citizenship, which has already resulted in the submission of thousands of citizenship requests through our office, has a very interesting effect on the Portuguese population.

Ageing Europe 2019, released by Eurostat, predicts that the aging of the population will accelerate more in Portugal than in other countries. In three decades, the report indicates, 47.1% of the population will be 55 years old or more.

Birth rate remains too low to cope with the number of deaths, which aggravates the country’s natural balance. In 2018, 8.5 children were born for every thousand inhabitants. However, that represents a peak since 2012, and this scenario appears to be about to change.

Birth rate is rising on average in the country, and the growth should be more and more accentuated. Mainly because of these new Portuguese nationals.

A large percentage of candidates for Portuguese citizenship are young citizens, capable of having children. And these children will have Portuguese citizenship when they are born. In addition, when a citizen receives his Portuguese citizenship, he can also make the citizenship application process for children born before obtaining citizenship.

This causes a predictable change in the demographic pyramid. And the results are already visible. In 2018 and 2019, the number of Portuguese “born” in Central Registry Office, was bigger than real births in hospitals.

We have a new and young Portuguese population growing, which will give citizenship to their children, and that will help Portugal to become an even more relevant and strong country.

If you, or a client of yours, is also interested in obtaining Portuguese citizenship, ask me how you can proceed.